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Stepping Into the World of Shopify

I became acquainted with Shopify while building my email developer portfolio as a Diamond member at CodingPhase. Initially, I hesitated to dive into Shopify, fearing it might be too complex and time-consuming. However, I quickly discovered that Shopify is a powerful e-commerce platform that allows businesses and individuals to launch their ventures swiftly. Its Content Management System (CMS) is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy to customize every aspect of a store.

As I grew more comfortable with Shopify, I gained the confidence to start working with clients and assisting businesses and individuals in achieving their goals.

I began promoting my skills on YouTube and LinkedIn, and even ran ads on Facebook and Instagram to expand my reach. One day, I received a message from a prospective client who had seen one of my Instagram posts about my Shopify and email development services. We stayed in touch and arranged a meeting to discuss creating a Shopify store for his dropshipping business. We outlined the steps needed to kick off his store’s development. As our discussions progressed, we generated more ideas for the store. He was enthusiastic with each milestone we completed, as it meant he was getting closer to launching his business. Once the store layout was finalized, I added images of his products. After achieving that milestone, I integrated Klaviyo, a customer relationship management (CRM) app that manages email campaigns and tracks traffic through analytics.

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