Starting My Coding Journey: A Personal Account of Getting Into Coding

I embarked on my developer journey in February 1, 2022, when I coded my first ‘Hello World’ program. Although I had dabbled in coding earlier, I wasn’t aware of its benefits or the possibilities it offered. Just a week before I started coding, I came across a YouTube video by Chris Sean, a popular YouTuber, discussing the lucrative nature of web development and how a degree wasn’t necessary to enter the industry. Having left my Stock Clerk II position a year ago, I was currently involved in reselling on Amazon and eBay. I’ll be honest, my initial motivation to learn coding was driven by the financial prospects. However, about 2-3 months into my learning journey, I discovered a genuine passion for problem-solving and program development. It was during this time that I stumbled upon another video on the Code with Mosh YouTube channel, which prompted me to purchase his HTML and CSS course. Being new to coding, I mistakenly believed that HTML and CSS were separate software programs that needed to be purchased individually, similar to Adobe products. TO BE CONTINUED

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